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Our Reach
As a sponsor, you will have the opportunity to reach 200+ higher education faculty, administrators, staff, teaching and learning centers, and other leaders at ISETL 2018. We also have a reach of over 5000+ higher education faculty and professionals with our renowned journal the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, a peer-reviewed open access journal.
A History of Excellence
ISETL has the longest history of any conference focused on higher education teaching and learning in the United States. This year will be the 50th year for our conference.
Known for Our Destinations
ISETL has a history of having our conferences at premiere locations having hosting previous conferences in places such as Savannah, Orlando, and Denver. Our attendees and sponsors enjoy the opportunity to connect formally and informally in high-end accommodations with top-notch entertainment, excursion, and shopping opportunities nearby. This year will be no exception as we host in Tempe, Arizona. ISETL 2019 will be in Orlando, Florida and ISETL 2020 will return to Tempe, Arizona.
Specialized Programs
ISETL is offering three specialized programs focused on online teaching, SOTL writing, and new faculty development at ISETL 2018. Each program includes pre-conference events, sessions throughout the conference, and a concluding wrap-up with an ISETL certificate of completion. Attendees will gain in-depth knowledge and skills from experts in the field and enhance their professional portfolio.
The Benefits of Sponsorship
Engaging in a sponsorship relationship with ISETL is a great way to highlight products to educators in the field in a meaningful context. Educators and administrators, both new and seasoned, attend and are looking for innovative ways to approach their teaching and improve their departments and programs.
To learn more and become a sponsor, please review our Sponsorship Packet.
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