Call for applications for Board Members and President-Elect

The ISETL Board Member Recruitment and Nominating Committee is soliciting active ISETL conference participants who are interested in serving the Society in a leadership capacity as Board Members.

The ISETL Board Membership is composed of a Board of Directors (President, usually the Past President or President-Elect, and 1-5 additional members) and 9 Board Members serving three-year staggered terms. The following positions need to be elected this year.

  • Board Members ­ Three (3) Board Members will be elected to serve three-year terms (2016-2019).
  • President Elect ­ One individual who will serve a one-year term as President-Elect (2016-2017), followed by a two-year term (2017-2019) as President.

Qualifications to be considered for any Board Member position are as follows:

  • Be attending your 3rd ISETL conference (conference attendance does not have to be consecutive), and
  • Intend to remain active by attending the annual conferences during your tenure as a Board Member. Board Members are expected to attend the Annual Society Membership Meetings on the Wednesday prior to the beginning of the Annual Conference and on Saturday immediately after the conclusion of the conference.

Qualifications to be considered for President-Elect are minimally the same as those for Board Membership. Additionally, prior leadership service in ISETL and a demonstrated commitment to organizational excellence are of paramount consideration.

ISETL participants who wish to be considered for one of the open positions listed above and who meet the above qualifications are strongly encouraged to submit a one-page letter via e-mail attachment to Sharon Gilbert, Nominating Committee, at the e-mail address below. In your letter please be sure to indicate (1) your desire to be so considered and (2) your qualifications for the position. The inclusion of a current vita is strongly encouraged to effectively complete your application packet.

All applicants will be considered based on prior society activity, diversity in terms of both personal background and geographical location, and the commitment of the nominees to remain active during their tenure as Board Members. These applicants will be voted on during the Board Members Meeting before the conference, and new Board Members will be welcomed by the society during the Friday conference lunch.

Please send your application letter and vita as e-mail attachments to Sharon Gilbert at:

Application deadline is Friday, October 7, 2016