The International Journal of Teaching and Learning publishes articles relevant to teaching and learning in higher education, broadly defined. All authors should follow the guidelines set forth in the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). Authors should make sure they understand the IJTLHE's Author Guidelines, Review Criteria, and Publication Ethics and Malpractice Guidelines.
Submitting a manuscript to the International Journal on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education involves three basic steps, (a) entering the manuscript's title and type, (b) entering the manuscript's author information, and (c) uploading the manuscript file. Do not include the authors' names, affiliations, email addresses, or phone numbers on the manuscript's title page. Author information will be obtained during the online submission process.
All submissions must be comprised of a single Microsoft Word file.
Recently, our journal has moved to a new submission system. Please go here to view our latest issue and submit to the journal.